Solid wood flooring how to maintain daily
31, Hong Kong, Hongkong

Solid wood flooring (also known as the wood floor) has a pollution-free, natural patterns, elegant should be heavy, rich texture, flexibility, and other real advantages, is the home decorating the preferred material for laying the floor. Solid wood flooring as a high-grade ground decoration materials,High Performance Composite teak boat deckingsolid wood flooring should be how to maintain daily? Solid wood floor maintenance methods introduced a: Solid wood floor maintenance Note: 1. Clean semi-dry mop. If the home air dry, mop some wet or put a pot of water in the heating or humidifier humidifier. 2. After laying, timely waxing.

In the usual use of the process, once every 3 months to waxing. In fact, can not fight, but often waxing, can maintain the floor finish, to extend the life of solid wood flooring. 3. Avoid contact with the floor with a lot of water; avoid acidic, alkaline liquid wipe, so as not to undermine the surface finish of the floor finish. 4). Avoid sharp objects scratch the ground, do not throw cigarette butts on the floor or directly placed too hot things,balcony wpc flooring try to avoid dragging heavy furniture. 5, in the course of the use of the floor, if found from the shell or shed individual floor, should be promptly picked up the floor, shovel to the old plastic and ash, coated with new plastic compaction. Once a month to play wax is the best maintenance, but before the wax and water to clean the stains.

2: Solid wood floor maintenance Note: Maintenance: cleaning to use semi-dry mop; the best quarterly waxing time; try to avoid contact with a lot of water; avoid acid-base liquid wipe, so as not to damage the surface; ground. 1) maintenance, 1. Waterproof solid wood floors are most afraid of water. In the summer to prevent rain water. Winter to prevent the house heating running water. If you accidentally leak the water, even a little tea,Anti-UV teak boat decking but also in time with a soft cloth to wipe clean, dry, so as not to promote gloss, and even cause warping, cracking, mildew. If the indoor concrete floor back to the water wet (which is the most prone to the situation in the bottom room) caused rotten deterioration, warp drum up, paint stripping, color variation and other issues, we must first solve the problem of moisture back to the water, Replacement of the floor.

2, the fire does not extinguish the cigarette butts and matchsticks, can not be arbitrarily lost on the ground, electric stove, rice cooker, electric irons, electric iron, etc., without placing a good anti-burning, anti-hot cushion, can not be placed on it , Otherwise, easy to burn wood floor. Can not wipe the surface of gasoline dust, dirt, to prevent static friction, causing a fire. 3. Anti-injury solid wood flooring is also easy to damage. Even the finest gravel, the long course of time is also easy to wear the surface of the raging and color, leaving traces. If there has been gravel,Corrosion-resistant outdoor fence to be promptly wiped with a sub-wet soft cloth wipe. It is best to replace the average award slippers and then into the interior, not the gravel into. Do not wear soles with a nail with iron palm and hard bottom shoes in the move, so that the surface by the operation. Rough, heavy and high hardness of the items, do not drag on the wooden floor. When placed, should also be a good cushion to protect the pad, and pay attention to light; the bottom of the angular items, but not directly placed on the wood floor to prevent operation. If the operation should be repaired at any time intact. Repair, whether it is stapled arrangement, specifications, or paint colors, should strive to restore the original, should not occur with the overall wood floor uncoordinated, inconsistent phenomenon, affecting its overall appearance.

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