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Kuva on lisätty: Lähetä lahja  
Lähetä lahja kalmaar t 25. Heinäkuu 1963 (60), New Ross, Irlanti Oli online muutama päivä sitten

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helina kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten

Mahud ikka sellesse autosse ära *YAHOO*

kalmaar kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten


helina kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten

Mis sa kiusad väikest looma :D

kalmaar kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten

selleks ta loodud on ju

Horoh kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten

My dear please contact me to my email address for your more understanding also will send you my pictures through my email <br />

cherish2016 kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten

Hello dear,<br />
How are you today? I hope you are fine. My name is Sharon ,I just came across your profile on Dating site and I decided to drop this message to you and let you know my interest in you. <br />
<br />
maybe you are the reason why I joined this Dating site today. Please I will like you to write me on my private email address below so that I can tell you more about my self and also send you some of my photos for you to know me better.<br />
<br />
Here is my email address........[]<br />
<br />
Waiting<wbr> to read from you soon.<br />
Best Regards.<br />

zambobonkoungo kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten

<br />
<br />
<br />
Dear Good Friend,<br />
<br />
This message might come to you as a surprise. However, it all just my urgent needs for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I got your contact from yahoo tourist search while I was searching for a foreign partner. I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity when I was praying to God about you. I am a banker by profession in Burkina Faso West Africa and currently holding the post of assistant Audit & Accounts director in our bank.<br />
<br />
I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($15 million dollars) of one of my bank clients who died along with his entire family on Monday 31st July 2009 in a plane crash. I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60 / 40% if you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your responses. Please indicate your willingness by sending t

velga kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten

prokati!!!!! :D

einelli kauemmin kuin kuukausi sitten sitten

Я, как и Иисус, на ослике!

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